Hello, again!
Let's get back to our character studies! :) I last introduced you to Maggie, and I now want to introduce you to Rose. Have you seen the movie “The Mirror Has Two Faces” with Barbara Streisand and Jeff Bridges? Barbara plays Rose, a rather plain jane professor who doesn’t put much effort into her looks. In fact, when asked, “you don’t wear much makeup do you?” she replied, “What's the point? I'd still look like me, only in color!” A response I loved - haha! She spends the majority of the movie UNfocused on herself, convinced she doesn’t deserve the good life. She feels her sister is the beautiful one who deserved the beautiful things in life. And to top it off, she’s convinced herself that nobody she would actually be interested in romantically would be interested in her. She makes the following comment about marriage, ”I tell you what I envy about people in love - I'd love it if someone knew me, I mean really knew me. What I like, what I'm afraid of, what kind of toothpaste I use.” But as we have seen throughout the movie, she didn’t even really take the time to know those things about herself. While all this is going on, we are watching another storyline unfold. A story about another professor at the same school, Gregory, played by Jeff Bridges. These 2 professors do not start out knowing each other, but soon meet. Gregory had already made a vow to only date people he’s NOT physically attracted to – of course Barbara is unaware of his personal vow when they start dating. Some funny, touching movie and great quotes later, we find them married. I won’t tell you what causes it, but Gregory let’s the cat out of the bag and divulges that the original reason he even began their relationship was bc he was NOT attracted to her. This completely devastates her, OF COURSE! I MEAN CAN YOU IMAGINE HEARING THAT FROM THE MAN YOU LOVE?!?! (heavy sigh and tear!) They split temporarily – don’t get divorced, just take a few months apart. During this time, Rose basically has an epiphany and begins to work on herself – her inner personal view of herself as well as her exterior. She works out, sheds a few pounds, buys new clothes, wears makeup…not that these things are what made her or defined her – but these things represent for her, an awakening of herself, the hidden woman - her "authentic self." They represent the process that she undergoes as she begins to find self-worth and begins to value herself – to see value in her life - to truly uncover her identity for the first time in her life. Rose soon finds herself in an exchange with the man she had always secretly loved – her dream beau, Alex, not Gregory, BTW – the lightbulb goes off right before our eyes. They are small-talking alone. He says, "l must have loved you all along. l just didn't know it." Rose back to him - "What did you mean by, you must have loved me but didn't know it? - l'd like an answer." Alex - "You were different then." Rose - "How could you have loved me then?" Alex -"l loved you for who you were." Rose - (confused) "So now you want who l am because l'm not who l was any more?" Alex - (more confused) "Rose, what?" And here it comes ... :) !!! Rose - "l have dreamt about this moment from the first day we met. l've played out what you'd say and what you'd think a million times. But you were better in my head. --- l don't feel anything! lsn't that great? l never thought about my feelings, only yours. --- l didn't think l was good enough." Alex - "Oh, but you are!" Wait for it........ Rose - "l know! But Alex, you're not good enough for me!" FINALLY!!!!!! She realizes who she is! And FINALLY has the gumption to say it! He wasn’t good enough for her!! She finally gets it! Now please understand my point here! You need to see the movie to catch all the nuances and all the insight, and the jerk of a guy this man really was - not to mention, to see how it all ends. :) I’m NOT putting down men- nor the place God gives them in our lives - I'm EXTREMELY happily married to the man of my dreams!! So, the question at this point is, are you like Rose?? Are you living a life feeling undesired, unworthy, unloved? Do you feel others deserve what you want, but somehow you just aren't good enough for the good stuff in life? Hmmmm.... Well, make sure you come back for the conclusion of this "series." :) thanx for being you... jenny Comments are closed.
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June 2015