Have you ever been washing your face and suddenly you do not recognize the woman staring back at you? Or passed a mirror in a hallway and have to look twice at your reflection? The woman in the mirror looks vaguely familiar but bears very little resemblance to the woman you were expecting to see.
I’m not referring to the few extra laugh lines you noticed this time or possibly the few extra pounds you might have put on or taken off. What about when nobody is around? The room is quiet, no TV, nobody asking you questions … in the car … without the radio on, with just the hum of the tires on the road… Does this situation make you uncomfortable? Do you avoid these kinds of quiet situations? Do you ever ask yourself these questions, “Am I today, who yesterday I thought I would be? And who I want to be?” “Do I really know ME – do I really know who I am?” “Do I know who I was created to be?” "Am I living my BEST LIFE?!" Have you seen the movie “Runaway Bride” with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere? If so, you'll know right where I'm headed. If not, here's the set up for it... So, here’s this gal, Maggie – played by Julia Roberts, engaged 3 times to 3 different men, and in all 3 weddings, she runs – doesn’t get married. Ike, Richard Gere, a writer, hears about this story and writes an article for his newspaper that exploits this woman. She in turn writes to the paper slamming Ike for what he did and claims he didn’t have the facts. In an effort to save his job – after being told he may lose it – he goes to her small town to meet her and “get to know her” so he can tell “the real story.” Cute movie and several great quotes later – he falls in love with her and she with him - as it should be, in any good romantic comedy. :) Awe! He finds himself at the end of the aisle with her walking down it, towards him, slowly, then more confidently, then POOF! It happens, she’s distracted and she runs! He chases her – humiliated and devastated. More cute movie and great quotes pass and we find her in his apartment and here’s their exchange. Maggie: I wanted to tell you why I run - sometimes ride - away from things. Ike: Does it matter? Maggie: I think so. [takes a deep breath] Maggie: When I was walking down the aisle, I was walking toward somebody who didn't have any idea who I really was. And it was only half the other person's fault, because I had done everything to convince him that I was exactly what he wanted. So it was good that I didn't go through with it because it would have been a lie. But you - you knew the real me. Ike: Yes, I did. Maggie: I didn't. "I DIDN’T!" was her response… she was saying I didn’t even know myself! How many of us get lost in piles of dirty laundry - or sometimes in my case, CLEAN but unfolded and un-put-away laundry, stacks of bills to pay, a long list of errands to run, events to plan and events to attend, or any number of things?! We get lost! Are YOU lost right now? Are you searching for your identity? Is your identity attached to the wrong thing - something that will fade or wither away? Are you trying to be like someone else - look like them, sound like them, talk like them,their car, their family, their life?? It's an easy trap to fall into, so if the answer is YES, don't feel guilty! REMEMBER - YOU ARE A UNIQUE CREATION WITH A GOD-GIVEN IDENTITY AND PURPOSE!!! We'll continue to dig into this concept all throughout this blog! :) thanx for being you... jenny Comments are closed.
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June 2015