If you haven't already read part 1 and part 2 of this blog, please go back and read them before you continue on.
We've met 2 ladies in 2 different movies, with 2 different stories, but similar problems. Please don't read more into these 2 characters based on my posts. I'm not putting them on pedestals for their behavior or even their revelations. I'm simply noting that I believe there is truth all around us...even in fictional movies :)...little glimpses of teaching moments for us to decipher...instances where we can see ourselves in others' experiences. And couldn't we all use a little more truth in our lives?! Wouldn't it be nice if we were truthful with ourselves? And could truthfully BE ourselves with others? Don't we all have at least a little more room to grow? I know I do! As we have seen with Maggie, she tried to please the men in her life by being what she thought they wanted. She had masked herself so completely that she didn’t really know herself anymore. She had put their needs not only above her own, but above everything else in her life. She lived to please them. Anyone relate? Do you ever catch yourself trying so hard to please others for the sake of validating yourself? Is your identity wrapped up in someone else? Is there someone you elevate to an unhealthy place in your life - even a good person, in a great relationship with you? It's very easy to let a good thing in our lives consume us - consume our thoughts, our minds and our hearts, isn't it? And what about Rose? She had never deemed herself worthy of much of anything. She compared herself to her sister and didn’t feel she measured up. She envied those in relationships where they truly, deeply knew each other and what made each other happy, but she had never made those personal discoveries herself. Anyone relate here? Feel like you don’t measure up? Like you aren't worth much of anything to anyone? Envy others for rewards they are reaping for work they put in...wanting what they have, but not putting in the work for the rewards? Hiding behind excuses, clothes, makeup, others? Afraid to get to know who you really are, and CERTAINLY FREAKED OUT at the thought of BEING who you really are in front of others - letting your guard down and letting them in? These 2 characters, like so many of us, find reasons to look outside of themselves for what should or shouldn’t make them happy, how they should or shouldn’t be, and they let that control their self-image and determine their self-worth. So many times, we fall into the same trap - we look to others, putting others on pedestals, allowing others to consume our thoughts, minds and hearts, envying, comparing ourselves, afraid, being fake so we don't have to let others in...hiding behind jobs, friends, family, kids, appearances, money, accomplishments, talents...need I go on? LADIES!!! ISN'T IT NICE TO KNOW WE ARE NOT ALONE?!?!?! AND LET ME REASSURE YOU - YOU ARE NOT!! We ALL struggle with so many of the same issues, whether we are willing to admit it or not! But we all struggle with the same mistake...we don't look to the right source for our identity!! We skip over the cliche, we dodge the obvious, we refuse the words of those who have gone before us...but we are missing a fundamental truth! So, Who is SHE? And Who Am I? WE ARE EACH A UNIQUE CREATION WITH A GOD-GIVEN IDENTITY AND PURPOSE!! GOD is ultimately the source of all truth! AND it was GOD Who created each on of us...and HE created us unique, with unique abilities, talents, faces, bodies, personalities, desires, goals, dreams...HE knew us in our mothers' wombs and HE knit us together. HE knows every aspect of all that we are and all that we aspire to be. And, we are here, on this earth, during this year, for a reason!! Sometimes it's easy to picture God as the Almighty Creator of the universe, AND HE IS!! But don't lose sight of the fact that the Creator of the universe took time to create each one of us! He wants a relationship with us - a special, very personal relationship with you! and with me! -- YEAH US! :) He wants to guide us and teach us. He wants to encourage us and challenge us. He wants to reveal Himself to us in a powerful and life-changing way...but He's not willing to force his will on us. He has already chosen us...He has already chosen you. The ball is in your court! What will you do? Please email us if you would like to chat thru some questions. Wherever you are on your personal journey, I'm so thankful it's landed you here, with us! I hope I got you thinking. I hope I got you even asking yourself some hard questions. I hope you'll come back! thanx for being you... jenny Comments are closed.
Meet the AuthorsAmy Archives
June 2015