Several weeks ago, I read a devotional entitled "traces in time" and it has really stuck with me.
What is a "trace?" Here are 3 definitions from The Encarta World English Dictionary as well as a few synonyms: (n) 1. a sign that remains to show the former presence of a person or thing no longer there 2. a footprint or physical sign of the passage of a person or animal 3. a path or track left by people or animals regularly passing Synonyms - sign, evidence, indication, remnants, mark. Know where I'm headed with this? :) What "traces in time" are you leaving as you are scripting your epic? What indications that you were there are left behind in different situations? What marks are you leaving in the stories of others? Who or what is leaving signs that they have been in your story? The devotion mentioned snow. Even though we don't get much snow in South Louisiana, many of us have experienced at least a little flurry. And, I'm sure there are plenty of us who have experienced snow that actually sticks to the ground for more than a passing moment. With a heavy blanket of snow, it's easy to picture how walking through it would leave a very visible footprint. But even in a light snow, if there is snow staying on the ground, even a small bird can leave an impression. So it is with us. As our stories intersect with the stories of others, we leave impressions in each others' lives...evidence that we have been in someone else's story and they have been in ours. "That evidence can encourage self-doubt or God-confidence," the devotion's author says. She continues, "Our prints can cause stumbling or guide truthfully. Our impressions can widen wounds or bring healing." Isn't that the truth?! Snow is fleeting, while the snow's record is accurate, it is temporary. BUT, the impressions we leave in each others' souls, in each others' minds and hearts can last a lifetime. Let's be more intentional regarding the "traces" we are leaving behind. Today, this week, this month, find ways you can leave beautiful imprints in the lives of others. Maybe the imprint will be as obvious as a huge hiking boot in a thick blanket of snow. Maybe it will be as gentle as a little footprint left by a small bird. But whatever imprint you leave, I pray it will be a Godly one - one of encouragement, guiding truthfully and bringing healing - one that reflects the love of Jesus. I pray that it will be one that not only leaves an imprint on someone else's life, but also on your own. thank you for leaving "traces" in my story! jenny Comments are closed.
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June 2015