This week's follow-up is a bit different. After Claire's blog post, one of you sent us 2 poems you had written as well as a great quote. Darla, you were touched by her blog and we were touched by you! We postponed our next follow-up so we could share these poems and quote with you. It is so beautiful to hear how God speaks differently to us all. These 2 poems say SO MUCH and we know you'll be blessed by them as we were. Thanks to Claire for writing the personal post last week, and thanks to Darla for sharing parts of her journey with us. Blessings to you all this week! TWU Faculty "Perhaps that is the very reason we are in this world where sin and sorrow and suffering and evil abound, so that we may let You teach us how to react to them, that out of them we can create lovely qualities to live forever. That is the only satisfactory way of dealing with evil, not simply binding it so it cannot work harm, but whenever possible overcoming it with good. " My Wall Behind my wall I find myself again Sheltered and safe, no one can get in A place I go to heal And hide away What I must remember This is not a Place I can stay Isolated and hidden No harm can come to me But over time and With a prayer or two God will help me see To be His servant And messenger of His word Behind a wall I can not be heard Take a chance On the people He sends my way We're here to learn from them Trust in who He sends Getting hurt is a maybe But God will guard my heart and Catch me if I fall His hand waiting for me Reaching behind my wall Forgiving
Forgive, forgive The Bible says to me Sometimes this road is filled with obstacles That I did not see Can I find it in my heart To forgive the hurt and pain I know that when I can forgive There's so much I will gain A sense of peace and freedom A burden lifted from my heart Dear God teach me to forgive Please show me where to start Forgive myself and others too You can show me how There is no more waiting The time to begin is now Forgiving is the first step To start my walk with You Dear Jesus take my hand Show me what to do Show me how to break down the wall And give You more of me To forgive means to trust in You This is the life I seek Be with me as I take that first step Sometimes on shaky ground It is in Your grace and words The next step can be found Comments are closed.
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June 2015