Can you believe itʼs been three months since our last SHE event? Wow!!! Time sure flies, doesnʼt it?
Well, I hope youʼve had a chance to rethink some of the things we talked about and to let them really sink in and become a part of your life, how you think and how you respond. I hope youʼve been cultivating your spiritual appetite and laying off the “spiritual snickers bars.” Old habits can be hard to break, but rest assured, God wants to spend time with you, and if you will seek Him and spend time in His Word, He will never disappoint! Remember in the Swap Shop “Eat & Be Satisfied,” our key verse was, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matt 5:6) We talked about the word filled, how it comes from the Greek word “chortazo,” meaning “to be fully satisfied, to enjoy abundance.” Iʼd like to take a minute to talk a little more about the word filled. You know, being filled and being full are not the same thing. The passage doesnʼt really say that those who hunger will be full. It says that those who hunger will be filled. The verb demonstrates continuous action; that is, you are continuously given in order that you can continuously give. Think of it this way - pipes get filled with water, but they donʼt stay that way ... unless thereʼs a clog, but thatʼs not really the point here. :-) Pipes fill with water, but they donʼt stay full. If a bucket gets full and stays that way, it stagnates. You know why the Dead Sea is dead? Because it has no outflow! You and I were not called to be buckets that sit around full of water, but we are called to be pipes. As the water flows through us, it fills the pipe. The filling of the pipe means that it is flowing through the pipe to accomplish a purpose on the other end! Isnʼt that great news?! As we hunger and thirst for righteousness, God fills us. I love the thought of God continually filling us with what we need. Fresh from the source! As we daily hunger and thirst for Him, He daily fills us with what we need to fulfill our purpose! So what are you waiting for? Eat! Drink! Be filled! God is looking for men and women who want to be filled ... who will He find? ~ Bronie Comments are closed.
Meet the AuthorsAmy Archives
June 2015