Moses had Aaron. David had Jonathan. Joshua had Caleb. Esther had Mordecai and Hegai. Ruth had Naomi (and vice versa). Mary had Elizabeth. Jesus had the disciples. Who do you have?
As we see through example after example in the Bible, we’re not not meant to go through life alone! Even without the examples, I believe our instincts just know - we need friends! We need a support system. We need a sense of community. We often think of friends and the fun times we can and do have with them. Friends are of course for those fun and easy times, but a friend beside you in a difficult time is invaluable. Friends can make the unendurable endurable. A friend can often be just what we need to persevere and push through. Moses, David, Esther, Ruth, Naomi, Mary and Jesus all faced seriously difficult struggles. Their struggles involved death, loss, a lack of physical needs, fear, and heartache. Our struggles are not so different. Just as life wasn’t always pretty and easy for them, it is not for us. They had the support of friends to help them make it through and we need that too! And I have good news! God doesn’t leave us blind wondering what kinds of friends to choose or what we need. Romans 12:9-10 says “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly [or sisterly :)] affection.” Continuing in verses 12-13 the author says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” And then in verses 15-16, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another.” A friend’s love should be genuine and an affectionate sisterly love. A friend should hold fast to what is good. A friend will rejoice in our hope and when we rejoice. A friend should weep when we weep and be patient in difficult times. Today I encourage you, whether in the midst of a struggle or in a less difficult time of life, to find your friends! It may be one, it may be a group, but don’t try to persevere and push through alone. We are still called to endure, but with Godly women by your side to encourage you, hug you, hold you while you cry, hold your hand when you can’t do it alone, argue with you when you want to give up, the journey is a little easier and more bearable. If life is sunshiny and bright now, find a group to rejoice with who will be there to weep with you when it gets a little tougher. We’re not meant to do life alone. Take the first step and reach out to a potential friend today. Thank goodness we’re not in kindergarten and no one is going to tell you she doesn’t want to be your friend because your favorite color isn’t pink. Don’t be afraid. You can do it! You need it! We all need it! ~ Kasia Comments are closed.
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June 2015