![]() As we all know, a vehicle has many components, but one of the main components is the lights. There are lights that are needed on a daily basis and some that are needed for special occasions. At the front of the vehicle, there are headlights, brights, and fog lights. At the back of the vehicle, there are tail lights, brake lights, and reverse lights. Then there are our hazards - our emergency lights - that are on the front and back of the vehicle. We'll be taking a look at all of these different types of lights to see how they are a physical representation of our “inner vehicles” that we need to maintain on a daily basis for ourselves, others, and God. Today, let's start with the front of the vehicle where the headlights, brights, and fog lights are. Your headlights are used to light the way in front of you and they are used on a daily basis. You use them at night when it is dark out and when it is raining. You really have to keep those maintained because you use them daily. Your brights are used to illuminate more than what you can see with just your headlights. They have the specific purpose of exposing more of the darkness outside than what you’re used to. Your fog lights are also used for a specific purpose. They are used only when it gets cloudy outside and you can’t see in front of you. What I thought was interesting about headlights is that they are at the “head” of the car. They are like the “eyes” of the car. When you turn them on, they light the road in front of you so you can see in the dark. If you don’t maintain them, you won’t be able to see. The Bible talks about our own “headlights”? It says in Matthew 6:22-23, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness." What this tells me is that I must turn my lights on and keep them maintained so that I can see my journey in the midst of the darkness around me. They reveal what is real. And the same is for your eyes. Now you may ask…how is that so? Well, have you ever looked in the mirror…I mean really looked in the mirror at your own eyes? I know I have done this many times. I remember looking straight in the mirror and asking myself…Who am I? What is my purpose? Am I being real with myself and others? Your eyes can reveal so many things about you. So my question is…are you being real and transparent with yourself and others, are you lying to yourself and others, or are you keeping things inside because you’re afraid of what others will think of you? You’re on a journey. Maybe on your journey you have your headlights on. You can see clearly and you know what direction you going in. You can see how God is making a difference in your life. Or, maybe you THINK your headlights are on and you THINK you can see clearly but deep down …your heart is telling you something different. It may mean that you have to turn your brights on and illuminate the darkness that is invading your inner vehicle. You made need to tweak your lifestyle. You may need to make an adjustment in your schedule and find some time to spend with God that will keep you tuned up to lead others. Or maybe your lights seem dim because of all the fog. You can’t see clearly. You have no idea what direction you’re going in. Maybe it is because of the trials in your life, your past, or just too much busyness where you have no time to even look at who you are. I want to encourage you to MAKE TIME! You are worth it! Others are watching you whether you realize it or not. You have influence whether you are choosing to or not. Maintain the lights in your vehicle so you can not only see your own path, but so you can help others see theirs as well. What do others see in you? Can they see you clearly or do they have to strain their eyes to see your transparency? Your true beauty of who you are in Christ. I want you to know that you are uniquely designed for a God given purpose with a God given identity. No matter what your front lights look like, turn them on and let God guide you as you lead. Keep Calm and Journey On, - Amy Comments are closed.
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June 2015