Follow-Up from "BECOMING" Conference:
I hope you remembered our talk on Destiny Friends, and have searched your hearts to evaluate the friends in your lives. The friends God has destined for you will be natural and you will feel unity within the relationship. Sometimes we can feel we are giving out way more than the other friend. When a relationship is hard and we are finding it to be hard work keeping it going, we need to stand back and take a good look at that friendship. God's Spirit will bear witness with your Spirit to let you know his will for your life, even in friendships. We must find that place of willingness to hear what God is speaking into us. What God joins together, He does for His purpose, and it was purposed before you were born. He plans out His will for you so you can be all you are created to be, but it's up to us to walk out that purpose. Destiny Friends will not be perfect but the unity will always be felt in the heart. These destiny friends are the inner circle. The ones you can share your heart with and all of your burdens. They are your prayer partners and prayer warriors. They know you and all your faults and still love you anyway. You are no longer looked upon in the natural. They see you as Jesus sees you. God is able to work miraculously in relationships like these. We must allow God to be God in the miraculous and in the mundane! There is power in numbers when God groups us up. Just as the bible speaks of the cord of three strands is not easily broken, God knits together these relationships for strength. These friendships help you be all you were created to be. They build you up, you walk with confidence, and you know if you fall they will be there to pick you up. God's Kingdom will grow because of our being yoked up with the friends God has called us to be with. There are friends that you will have in your life, that are in the outer circle, friends that you are not called to be there for in those ways as Destiny Friends. You can't be everything for everyone. If you try to be everything for everyone that will place you in bondage, but those chains are broken and we are NOT in bondage. Some friends are your assignment but others are for someone else. God yokes us together to accomplish his will. God has called us to love everyone and see them as He sees them . We also pray for everyone. Our heart must break for what breaks God's. As we do this we must have the eyes to see and know the difference between our Destiny Friends and our friends ! It is my prayer that you know you are called to become all God has created you to be, that you are becoming! Take a deep breath and allow God to speak to you. He has created you with a purpose, by Him and for Him. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, my friend, know this full well. Celebrate in knowing you can be all God created you to be, because YOU ARE BECOMING! Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV) 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Tina Comments are closed.
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June 2015