Are wishes, dreams, and longings the same thing? They are similar but different. A wish is a want or desire that can be easily attained. A dream is a strong desire for something that is within our reach. A longing is a persistent desire or craving that is out of our reach. Despite the differences in attainability, they all reflect what is in our heart. In Matthew 6:21 Jesus said, "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". What we treasure the most control us, whether we admit it or not.
Let's take a look at wishes for a moment. What do you wish for? Somedays I wish for peace and quiet, adult conversation and an extra hour of sleep. All of those things are attainable, but my calendar doesn't always allow for those wishes to be granted. I have allowed my calendar to dictate my priorities, thinking I can make time for other things later. Has my busy-ness become my treasure? I have to answer yes. If I truly wish to have peace and quiet, then I need to make it happen. Dreams stem from stronger desires but are still within our reach. Think of dreams as goals. Do you have a goal? Maybe your goal is to run a marathon, to read the Bible in a year, to write a novel, or just to be the best YOU that you can be. No matter what goals or dreams you may have, you need to have a map. You need to chart your course to see that dream become a reality. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. Not only does it bring new growth and warmer days, it also brings birthdays at our house. In a 2 1/2 month span, each of my daughters turn a year older. I remember bringing each of them home and thinking that we had a long time to be a family. Now, I realize that I have two years until my oldest graduates high school and goes off to college. Two years!!! Where has the time gone? There was so much I wanted to do, to teach her and to prepare her and now I only have two years left! All those years I spent thinking I have time, and now that time is running out. I can beat myself up with all of the shoulda, coulda, woulda's or I can make adjustments and enjoy the next two years. Last year, God laid on my heart the phrase "intentional living". He has convicted me of my busy-ness, and challenged me to only participate in things that matter to Him. I have always been a people pleaser, trying to be and do everything everyone else wanted. I want to serve Him and not myself or others. I am in the process of completing a four year commitment that has left me burned out and frustrated at many times. I am learning to think and pray first before committing to other responsibilities. In doing so, I am beginning to live out the plans and purpose that God has for me. The plan and purpose that He packed me with so many years ago. May you experience "intentional living" as you journey through your wishes and dreams! Blessings, Several weeks ago, I read a devotional entitled "traces in time" and it has really stuck with me.
What is a "trace?" Here are 3 definitions from The Encarta World English Dictionary as well as a few synonyms: (n) 1. a sign that remains to show the former presence of a person or thing no longer there 2. a footprint or physical sign of the passage of a person or animal 3. a path or track left by people or animals regularly passing Synonyms - sign, evidence, indication, remnants, mark. Know where I'm headed with this? :) What "traces in time" are you leaving as you are scripting your epic? What indications that you were there are left behind in different situations? What marks are you leaving in the stories of others? Who or what is leaving signs that they have been in your story? The devotion mentioned snow. Even though we don't get much snow in South Louisiana, many of us have experienced at least a little flurry. And, I'm sure there are plenty of us who have experienced snow that actually sticks to the ground for more than a passing moment. With a heavy blanket of snow, it's easy to picture how walking through it would leave a very visible footprint. But even in a light snow, if there is snow staying on the ground, even a small bird can leave an impression. So it is with us. As our stories intersect with the stories of others, we leave impressions in each others' lives...evidence that we have been in someone else's story and they have been in ours. "That evidence can encourage self-doubt or God-confidence," the devotion's author says. She continues, "Our prints can cause stumbling or guide truthfully. Our impressions can widen wounds or bring healing." Isn't that the truth?! Snow is fleeting, while the snow's record is accurate, it is temporary. BUT, the impressions we leave in each others' souls, in each others' minds and hearts can last a lifetime. Let's be more intentional regarding the "traces" we are leaving behind. Today, this week, this month, find ways you can leave beautiful imprints in the lives of others. Maybe the imprint will be as obvious as a huge hiking boot in a thick blanket of snow. Maybe it will be as gentle as a little footprint left by a small bird. But whatever imprint you leave, I pray it will be a Godly one - one of encouragement, guiding truthfully and bringing healing - one that reflects the love of Jesus. I pray that it will be one that not only leaves an imprint on someone else's life, but also on your own. thank you for leaving "traces" in my story! jenny It's a new post!! :)
How have you been? We've been running wild, as I'm sure you have been, too!! It's crazy to think it's been 3 weeks since Scripting Her Epic, too! It's been a busy 3 weeks, getting all of our small groups going, but it's been a good 3 weeks. SO, have you been more intentional about your story? More intentional about Scripting your best Epic? Has it felt daunting? Has it been easier to slip back into the same ole routine? OR, have you been focusing on your best wardrobe, your best editing, your best supporting cast...??? It has definitely been an interesting past week for me personally. My mother in law, who I'm VERY close to, had a massive stroke last Wednesday morning as well as a heart attack. She was at MD Anderson in Houston, TX for her Dr appointment after her tests (she has sarcoma cancer). She had her tests on Tuesday and was on her way Wednesday am to the Dr, was in the elevator heading to the office when she began coughing and went limp. The Drs were saying she was not expected to walk or talk, respond to complex commands, move her right side, or really communicate again. In fact, one cardiologist even went as far as asking if my husband and father in law wanted to just give her morphine to keep her comfortable, as if this was the end of her life, her story. OBVIOUSLY the guys were making plans for her to recover and rehab - and oh, what a weekend she had. Long story shorter :), she is moving her head all over including nodding, is squeezing hands with her left hand in response to questions and her family, and even whispered the word "yes" yesterday! Regardless of the situation, we KNOW GOD IS SO GOOD!!! We are truly thankful, though, that mom is responding this much in such a short period of time. That cardiologist came back to see her yesterday after being off all weekend. He was absolutely SHOCKED when he saw her progress! She is so alert and responsive. She has a long way to go, but is making huge strides every day. And, just so you know, she is on her way back to Slidell as I type this. SHE IS EPIC! Even in such a short amount of time, she was UNWILLING to just sit back and let life happen to her. She decided, with whatever effort she could muster, that she would keep fighting. SHE MOVED PAST PAUSE!! Remember, that? MOVE PAST PAUSE!! Are YOU moving past pause? Have you refused to sit back and let life happen to you? Are you fighting for YOUR best epic? YOUR best story? Are you being intentional AND proactive? My Mom's stroke is now part of her story, she couldn't script that and wouldn't, BUT how she responds to it is making it EPIC! How are you responding to the situations in your life? PLEASE take time to consider all we talked about at the conference just a few short weeks ago. PLEASE - MOVE PAST PAUSE! You will never know what authentic life is out there, you will never know what God has for you, you will never know all you can be, you will never experience all you were created to be if you don't move past pause and let God move in your life. And this world, our lives, our stories will be lacking because YOU are part of our supporting cast and we can't wait to see all God created you to be come to pass as you Script Your Best Epic! Here's to moving past pause ... much love, jenny |
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June 2015