Geez - SO sorry, in advance, for the volume issue! Had to do a bit of extra editing to work around some of it. ;) Usually I have a video here, but today is a little different. The message isn’t very long, so I hope you’ll read when you can. I broke down the song a little more in the Dig Deeper section of my email, too. So if you don't receive the emails, please subscribe above and I'll add you to the list. Thanks for being on this journey with me! You have my love, appreciation and my prayers. Yesterday, I was almost finished with the message I had been working on for today, but something completely arrested my morning and I didn’t finish it. The whole day was pretty much interrupted, emotionally and mentally. It was a difficult day, to say the least. Based on my morning, I decided early in the day that it was better for me to finish the message tomorrow and then film when I my eyes weren’t swollen. ;) (No need to check on me, that’s not the point, but of course, I appreciate the prayers.) Then last night, a few minutes before bedtime, I pulled up social media and the first thing up was a video clip of a musician singing. I saw a few words in closed caption and instantly knew the song and the artist – a song I saved and have listened to since it came out, by an artist I only found a few months ago. I hadn’t heard of Leanna Crawford nor had I heard a song from her up to that point. But since then, each song I have heard her sing has met me where I am in that moment. Last night, “Still Waters” was the song clip that I saw. Psalm 23 is the foundation of and chorus for that song. I watched the clip, enjoyed the music and her voice, didn’t think much more about it, and went to get ready for bed. I usually read from my Sweeter Than Honey devotional at night so I picked it up and turned to the daily entry for yesterday. The Scripture at the top of the page was this- “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” – Psalm 23:6 Yep! Psalm 23, back to back, within 20 mins of each other! And remember, the video popped up on social media and the devotional entry was dated YESTERDAY! Neither did I search for and the devotion was YESTERDAY’S DATE! Needless to say, this became front and center for me last night and then again this morning, so today, I share this song with you. Maybe you’ve heard it, maybe you haven’t. (In this version, there’s pretty great harmony in the middle, too.) I’ve broken it down some in the Dig Deeper section below if you’re interested in more commentary. ;) Whatever is going on in your life, whether big or small, heavy or light, confusing or clear, unexpected or planned, exciting or sad…in all seasons, at all times, in all things, God is there. He is our Shepherd. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all of our days, and by His still waters we’re safe. I pray we grasp that today. |
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